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FCPAméricas Launches First Multilingual FCPA Blog

FCPAmericas1 [1]A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Since its launch almost two years ago, FCPAméricas has rapidly grown into one of the most-read FCPA blogs on the internet. It is a go-to resource for anticorruption professionals throughout the hemisphere. FCPAméricas now averages over 10,000 visits per month – a result vastly exceeding my initial expectations. I want to thank you, the FCPAméricas community, for reading, commenting and participating in this ongoing conversation about anti-corruption issues in Latin America.

To sustain the momentum and to better reach our Latin American readership, I am pleased to announce changes to FCPAméricas:

New contributors. The blog will feature two additional contributors, both of whom are multilingual anti-corruption lawyers with deep experience in the region.


Multilingual platform

To provide a better resource for professionals working in the region, FCPAméricas is translating key previous posts and future posts into Spanish and Portuguese.

In addition, the FCPAméricas home page features an “FCPA Basics” tab, a primer for those unfamiliar with the FCPA, also provided in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

New site/ advertisements

The blog has moved to a standalone site, fcpamericas.com.

The blog features advertisements from trusted companies that work on compliance issues in Latin America. Merrill Brink International [3] provides translation services for corporate compliance, FCPA, UKBA and other legal matters. The Mintz Group [4] provides a variety of FCPA-related services including third party due diligence and investigations. Other interested companies can learn more about advertising opportunities at info@FCPAmericas.com [5].

We hope these changes will make FCPAméricas more useful, more accessible, and more interesting to you, our audience. We believe that they will position FCPAméricas to do what no other FCPA news or media source is currently doing — offer quality anti-corruption content that is cross-cultural, multilingual and regionally focused.

The opinions expressed in this post are those of the author in his or her individual capacity, and do not necessarily represent the views of anyone else, including the entities with which the author is affiliated, the author`s employers, other contributors, FCPAméricas, or its advertisers. The information in the FCPAméricas blog is intended for public discussion and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice to its readers and does not create an attorney-client relationship. It does not seek to describe or convey the quality of legal services. FCPAméricas encourages readers to seek qualified legal counsel regarding anti-corruption laws or any other legal issue. FCPAméricas gives permission to link, post, distribute, or reference this article for any lawful purpose, provided attribution is made to the author and to FCPAméricas LLC.

© 2013 FCPAméricas, LLC