FCPAméricas Blog

Hospitality Risks at the 2016 Rio Olympics

Author: Guest Author

RioOlympicsThis guest post is from Eloy Rizzo, a senior attorney with the law firm KLA – Koury Lopes Advogados in São Paulo, Brazil. Mr. Rizzo focuses on anti-corruption and compliance issues, as well as on complex litigation. Mr. Rizzo currently interns at Miller & Chevalier’s anticorruption team in Washington, DC.

We Brazilians are excited that the Summer Olympic games will be held in Rio de Janeiro in August 2016. We also know that the games will bring with them certain corruption risks under laws like the FCPA and the Brazilian Clean Companies Act (BCCA). Most prominent will be risks related to hospitality expenditures.

In particular, the SEC sent a strong warning on May 20, 2015, when it imposed a civil fine of $25 million on the Australian global resources company BHP Billiton (... Read more

Reducing the Price of Internal Investigations

Author: Carlos Ayres

DollarSignWhen considering corporate liability, companies need to take into consideration not only the potential fines and penalties associated with a violation. They also need to consider the costs associated with a government investigation, costs that are often overlooked but can be considerable (Ed. Note: FCPAméricas discusses the high price of internal investigations here).

One of the challenges faced by counsel conducting internal investigations is how to conduct a credible internal investigation in a cost-effective manner. This post offers five cost-saving suggestions when conducting investigations.

Use of in-house resources. Counsel should consider use of in-house resources and c... Read more

Corruption Scandals in … Chile?

Author: Matteson Ellis

PentaUnlike many Latin American countries, Chile is known not for bribery scandals, but instead for low corruption risk. In Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, the country is consistently ranked year after year on par with the United States for perceived lack of corruption.

But even in a country as clean as Chile, corruption risk can still persist. Consider a recent set of investigations that have potential international reach.

Grupo Penta. Chilean prosecutors have charged the owners and executives of one Chile’s largest financial groups, Grupo Penta, with tax fraud, bribery, and money laundering in a scheme allegedly created to finance the political campaigns of the country’s right wing party, Independent Democratic Union (“UDI”), in the 2013 elections.

The investigations... Read more

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